Richard has suffered five separate occurrences of oral cancer. Given his involvement with grapes and wine professionally, and increasing medical research into the association of alcohol and cancer, he wonders if alcohol may be involved in his own cancer. Recently he has been writing articles on the subject which are available as pdf’s below. While…

Cedarville Vineyard in the Sierra Foothills of El Dorado County, northeast of Sacramento, Calif, was introduced to me by Don Neel, PWV editor. The vineyard is owned by University of California Davis enology graduates Jonathan Lachs and Susan Marks, and is making its mark in a region where the reputation is for Zinfandel wines. Read…

Weather and climate change dominate the news now, perhaps more than at any previous time. Individuals, communities and governments are struggling to come to terms with recent events and discussion as to causes. Read the full article by clicking below:



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